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  • Writer's pictureInteractive Rewards

Using Loyalty Levers for a Higher Purpose

My favourite loyalty stories are programs or platforms that serve a higher purpose that benefit us as people as well as the companies we are customers of.

In episode 23 of LetsTalkLoyalty, I was thrilled to meet Dan Gipple, who is the founder of a loyalty platform called “Better Points” that uses loyalty psychology and mechanics to change consumer behaviour such as improving their health.

I had met Dan through an inspiring story that the BBC did on a loyalty programme in Italy called Bella Mossa – a programme designed by the city of Bologna to address the problem of pollution.

Listen to learn a summary of key insights on human behaviour & the psychology of consumer loyalty and some fascinating programmes that serve an even "higher purpose".

Show Notes:

Episode #23 of Let's Talk Loyalty

BBC News - Clip featuring the city of Bologna's loyalty programme.

Bella Mossa - Using Rewards to incentivise citizens of Bologna to drive less frequently,

Dan Gipple.

Better Points Platform.

This article was first published by Let's Talk Loyalty. Permission to use has been granted by the publisher.

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